5 great ways to serve up your corn, with flavours from around the world...
Coco loco - Rub four cooked corn on the cobs in 1 tbsp of coconut oil until your corn turns golden brown. Squeeze over the juice of 1 lime, 1 tbsp toasted coconut flakes for some crunch and 1 finely chopped chilli.
Hot, hot, hot - Rub 4 cooked cobs with 2 tbsp peri peri seasoning and 30g butter. Cook in a smoking-hot griddle pan until charred on all sides. Drizzle over 1 tbsp chilli oil and 2 tbsp chopped coriander.
Golden & garlicky - To make, heat 50g unsalted butter in a frying pan over a medium heat until turning nutty brown. Add 2 large crushed garlic cloves and swirl until golden. Brush the butter over 2 cooked corn cobs and sprinkle with 25g finely grated Parmesan.
Go Greek - Blitz 100g black and green olives with 2 tbsp olive oil and 1 tsp dried oregano to form a paste. Coat two cooked cobs in the paste and crumble over 2 tbsp feta, 1 tbsp diced tomatoes and a handful of chopped parsley.
Miso sesame - Heat your oven to 200C/180 fan/gas 6. Coat 4 cobs in sesame seeds and roast in 2 tbsp sesame oil and 200g white miso paste until cooked through.
Add corn to your online box order or pop in to our shop where our staff are waiting to serve you! You will find us at: 26 The Broadway, Loughton IG10 3ST